Art Journaling and Bookbinding Workshop Page...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Art Journaling Class

Materials Needed;

1. An old hard back book that is sewn not glued (perfect bound) a sketch book (90lbs or greate 120 is excellent) or you can bring a journal you are already woking in.
2. Any embellishments you would like to add to your book or would like to share with others.
3. Photos or images you would like to transfer of adhere to your book.
4. Your creative self!

We will~
Create a paper bag journal
learn techniques for art journalers
look at prompts, puropses and themes
glues and adhesices
layering and collage
writing techniques
pens and pencils
inks, watercolor, acrylics
gesso and gel meduims
cut pages and Wonder Under
open questions and discussions
